- Discounted Holiday pricing through 12/31. Click location below for details.
- All prices are for 6-day, 5-night mission trips. Additional days may be added as a trip upgrade!
- Minimum of 4 people/trip, reduced pricing for larger groups.
- All trips are private trips. It’s just your group serving together, guided by Thirst Missions staff.
- Choose ministry options based on your team’s gifts and talents
- What’s included?
Upgrades Available for:
-Additional Trip Days
-Guest House/Hotel Stay
-On-Location Transportation
-Additional Recreation Options
Pricing Information:
- Trips Available during May-August. Closed Dates: July 3-5, 2023
- Trip Prices reflect a 6-day, 5 night mission trip/person
- What’s included?
- Additional Days: $129/person/day
- Guest House Lodging: $30/person/day
- On-Location Transportation (new for 2023): $25/person/day
- Recreation
Please contact us for your customized trip estimate.
Pricing Information:
- All 2023 Dates Open for Registration, for any length trip except:
- Closed Dates: April 7-11 and July 3-16, 2023.
- Trip Prices reflect a 6-day, 5 night mission trip/person
- What’s included?
- Additional Days: $89/person/day
- Guest House Lodging: $30/person/day
- Recreation
Please contact us for your customized trip estimate.
Pricing Information:
- All 2023 dates available for registration, except: Closed dates: April 26-30 and July 3-5, 2023
- Trip Prices reflect a 6-day, 5 night mission trip/person
- What’s included?
- Additional Days: $129/person/day
- Guest House Lodging: $30/person/day
- On-Location Transportation (new for 2023): $25/person/day
- Mainland Recreation
- Caye Caulker Recreation
Please contact us for your customized trip estimate.
Pricing Information:
Pricing Information:
- All 2023 dates available for registration, except: Closed dates: April 26-30 and July 3-5, 2023
- Trip Prices reflect a 6-day, 5 night mission trip/person
- What’s included?
- Additional Days: $129/person/day
- Guest House Lodging: $30/person/day
- On-Location Transportation (new for 2023): $25/person/day
- Recreation
Please contact us for your customized trip estimate.