1. What are your minimum and maximum group sizes?
Our private trips can accommodate groups as small as 4 people and as large as 50+. Reduced pricing applies for groups larger than 10 people.
2. What are the mission trip prices?
Our trip details are available on our registration page.
3. Tell me more about church partnerships in Belize
Each group attending one of our mission trips is partnered with a local Belizean Church. We believe that the local church is God’s Biblical design and we want to encourage the local churches. We also partner with local churches so they can follow-up on ministry that has been started during your mission trip. We gather the information on the trip you desire.
4. Is Belize safe?
Yes! We have never had a safety incident with one of our team members.
Please see our Safety section for more information on the safety of our trips.
5. What denominations do you work with?
We work every year with a wide variety of denominations in the United States and partner groups up with churches whom they are comfortable working in Belize.
Please see our Statement of Faith for more details.
6. What is your average trip length?
Our trips are a minimum of six days/five nights, but you are able to add additional days to your trip for an added cost. Travel days are included in the total number of trip days.
7. What medication/shots are needed?
We ask that each person visit their own doctor or travel nurse to see what is needed to stay up to date. We have a list of recommended medications for those traveling to Belize in our trip handbook, but nothing is required by Thirst Missions. Generally Belize is a very safe and healthy country to visit.
8. What travel documents are required to enter Belize?
Each person needs a valid passport, but no entry visa is required for citizens of the USA or Canada. Anyone under 18 years of age needs to have a notarized permission form signed by both parents to leave the USA or Canada and be permitted into Belize.
9. Is airfare included in the trip cost?
No, but the cost/person/day is all inclusive from arrival in Belize until departure from Belize. Airfares vary too greatly to include in the trip cost. Each group is responsible for booking their own flights that arrive within a reasonable timeframe so as to be ready at our pickup times and on the exact trips dates registered for. We have a travel agent we work closely with if you’d like help booking your flights.
10. Can I make contact with loved ones back home while on my trip?
Only the group leader is typically allowed to call back home. The ministry and relationships built when putting our personal devices down is eye-opening. Our philosophy is no news is good news. We encourage each group leader to to post trip updates and send pictures back home on behalf of each group.
In addition we post pictures from every trip on our Facebook page at facebook.com/thirstmissions. In the case of emergencies we have open and direct lines of immediate communication on every trip.
11. I have special dietary needs, can these needs be met?
There is a section on the Individual Registration form each person fills out prior to the trip in which these needs can be listed. We read these over thoroughly and pass them along to our cooks. The food on our trips is plentiful and amazing!
We do our very best to accommodate all diets and diet restrictions, but please realize we are in a different culture without all the options we have back home. Feel free to bring supplemental food options with you if this will ease the anxiety of not knowing if there will be food which fit your tastes or diet.
12. What is the difference between Hotel/Guest House and Floor stay options?
Hotel: 3-4 people/room, a/c, bathrooms in every room, close to ministry site.
Floor Stay: Sleep in a church, school or community center. No a/c. Stay in the community where you are serving, showers and running water restrooms usually available. Bring your own air mattress, pillow. This option is less expensive than the hotel option.
13. Can I upgrade my hotel to 2 people/room or private rooms?
Yes, as long as the hotel has space. There will be an additional charge for the extra rooms needed.
14. Is the $499 Registration Fee deducted from my final payment?
No, it’s used right away to offset a small portion of planning and preparing for your group’s trip. Please read through our generous payment policy and cancellation agreement.
15. How do I select the ministries we desire?
For Standard Mission Trips, your group leader will have access to a Trip Profile section on our website. From there, they can select ministry options, edit number of participants, access documents and forms needed for trip, and view payment schedule.
For Custom Mission Trips, each group leader will have a missions consultant from Thirst Missions assigned who will go through ministry opportunities in detail. All group leaders have scheduled conference calls to discuss the trip and are welcome to contact their trip consultants about any other questions that arise.
16. What about on-location transportation?
On-location transportation is not included in the price of the mission trip. Feel free to book your own team’s vans, SUVs, or other transport.
If you’d like Thirst Mission to arrange transportation, we’d be glad to do so for $29/person/day.
17. Are ministry materials provided?
Ministry materials are up to the teams to provide. Examples would be curriculum for VBS, sports equipment for sports outreach, and so on. Belizean churches will have some resources that the group can use on a case-by-case basis. Most ministries require little in the way of materials. You can ask your missions consultant about suggestions for materials and ministry plans.
18. Are construction supplies included in the cost of the trip?
Funds will be set aside by Thirst Missions towards project materials. Your missions consultant will give you some project and cost options—if you want to stay within the funds set aside you can, or if you’d like to do a larger project you can donate extra. All the money for supplies will be used to purchase materials which will be onsite when the group arrives.
19. What additional costs are there?
The only things you will need money for on the trip are souvenirs, offerings in church, extra snacks or desserts, and travel money for meals at the airports in North America and Belize. That’s it. Feel free to bring a credit card if you feel you will want to purchase more expensive souvenirs. Most tourist and souvenir shops accept credit cards. Incidentally, you can use American dollars everywhere in Belize. There will be little need to exchange money on your mission trip.
20. How do we pay for Recreation?
Payment and reservations for recreation on Mainland Belize and Caye Caulker are made on the final invoice and not paid for or reserved in Belize.
21. What can you tell us about the food provided?
The cuisine is usually one of the highlights for our participants. We strive to provide a wide variety of options that will nourish and sustain all participants. We try to provide a good mix of Belizean food and American food to appease all participants. Breakfast is usually served at the place where you are staying.
Some examples of breakfast food include eggs, toast, fruit, fry jacks, johnny cakes, pancakes, coffee, tea, juice and water. Lunch is usually provided by local women at the ministry site. Chicken, rice, coleslaw, beans, and juice is one example of a typical meal you can expect. Fish, pork, hamburgers, and sandwiches are all other lunch staples which may be served to you while on the mission trip.
Supper could include such things as burritos, pizza, Chinese food, chicken, seafood, spaghetti, beef, and pork. Don’t worry-we won’t eat all these foods at one meal! All your food and water are provided as part of your trip. If you wish to bring a few non-perishable snacks for yourself in your suitcase you are welcome to do that. Just remember to put them in zip lock bags to keep any critters away and to keep things fresh.
22. Can I stay in Contact with people I meet once I return home?
Yes! You can use Facebook and Instagram or email, call, or text just like you do with your friends back home. Staying in touch with new friends in Belize is such a blessing and benefit to going and serving.
23. What are some Outreach Ministry Ideas?
Volleyball, Movie Nights, Hot Dog Roast, Worship Celebration, Puppet Ministry…to name a few. Whatever you come up with, let’s do it!
Check out our blog for more outreach ideas.