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Impact others, others impact you.

By March 16, 2016Blog

Today’s devotional scripture came from John 1:35-42. Within this scripture Andrew has spent the entire day with Jesus. The first thing that we are told that he did was do go find his brother and Simon (Peter) and tell him about what he had seen and heard.

This is an interesting story and as it unfolds we hear more of Peter later in the scriptures than we do of Andrew. Andrew tends to play a background role, listening and learning but introducing people to Jesus. Andrew impacts the lives of others.

When listening to someone make a speech about Billy Graham they were talking about the 1,000’s if not tens of thousands that looked up to Billy Graham at one point in their life as a spiritual guide or mentor. What we often don’t think about is the person before the one who is spoken. Billy Graham had someone who impacted his journey just like you have someone that impacts yours. For Peter it was his brother Andrew. For us our mentor is maybe our mom, dad, youth leader, friend or Sunday School teacher.

Our job is to then be a mentor for someone else. To those that do all the behind the scenes work. Thank you. The recognition you get is never enough. No one ever really sees all the blood sweat and tears that you put into making things possible. You mentor people within your church without even noticing. You impact lives by your actions and living out the gospel. You make a difference in the small groups that you lead at church and the coffee you buy for the person behind you in line. The ones that work behind the scenes to help with fundraising or organizing your mission’s car wash. To those that do a great job planning an amazing VBS and crafts and sports your efforts do not go unnoticed.

For those in Belize that you are on the ground and in the churches before groups come and after groups leave, thank you. Thank you to each of your friends, families and fellow members who always go above and beyond to partner with us, to welcome me, the staff, and the groups. To those that clean up before groups come in or cook and are in the kitchen our full bellies allow ministry to continue. Thank you.

You each whereever you are, are impacting, shaping, changing and molding the lives of those around you. You are being Jesus to others. You are providing resources and meeting needs that are visibly present. Thank you for working in your office, in your homes, at your church to make differences for the Kingdom. God sees these works and smiles.

Many thoughts and prayers.


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