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A Ministry/Adventure Opportunity for Families

By February 8, 2017Blog,

By Adam Swenson, Director of Alaska Operations

Helen Keller said “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” You can say the same about following Christ. If you’re not being stretched, challenged, and grown, you may want to re-evaluate.

Before you read any further, I highly recommend that you watch this video by Francis Chan.

For about the same cost as taking your family to Disneyland, you can take them to Belize for a week to live in a village and minister among the poor.

This is an opportunity to model an active and alive faith that goes and does. This will absolutely change your children’s lives and their outlook.

 If we want to raise up children who follow God completely we need to show them that following God is an adventure, something that makes us fully alive in Him. And this is that.



Our family mission trips in Belize are 7 days and 6 nights, and you can pick any dates year round. The trip is designed for two to six people (which could be two small families, or even three couples). On the trip you’ll partner with a local family, staying in their home if you choose to do the home stay.

The trip will include five days of ministry (with one half day of recreation mixed in) and two days of recreation in which you go out to the tropical island of Caye Caulker (arguably the most relaxed – and relaxing – place in the world).

You’ll experience daily life in a Belizean village—we guarantee the trip will be a source of great memories, learning experiences, and conversation for years to come.

The Details

What Ministries will we do?

Attend church, visit homes, minister to families, play sports in the village, and small service projects.

Who can go?

2 – 6 people from ages 0-99. (Could be 2 small families.) Your trip is tailored to your family’s needs. Each trip is Christ-centered and will expose you to an exciting new culture.

Where do we stay?

Families can stay with a local Belizean family or in a hotel. Both lodging options are safe and secure.

Home stay trips are $4,500 and hotel stay trips are $6,000 (airfare not included) for a group of 2-6. There’s a one-time registration fee of $400 when you sign up.

What’s included?

Pre-trip consultation, transportation, meals, snacks, purified water, lodging, ministries, a Thirst Missions guide, and recreation. Each participant will get a trip manual, a free T-shirt, and shared memories for a lifetime.

What about recreation?

Choose between cave tubing or a visit to the Mayan ruins for your midweek recreation. End the trip with two days on the beautiful tropical isle of Caye Caulker.

How do we register?

To register your family please fill out our online registration form here.


“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

Adam Swenson is the Director of Alaska Operations and the Director of Sales and Marketing. When not at work, he’s typically disc golfing or watching Madam Secretary with his wife and daughter.



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