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Love Documentaries? This Eight-Minute Short Will Change the Way You See Missions

By January 13, 2017Blog, Newsletter

By Adam Swenson

A good film will let you see what the filmmaker sees, feel what they feel, and have a condensed-but-real experience of place, time, and purpose. Filmmaker Matt Markovich went on the John Knox 2016 youth trip in Belize and managed to capture the experience in gritty detail.

We loved how this film captures the simple truths of life in Belize and shows the incredible love between churches in long-term partnership. The body of Christ is built up and the kingdom advances with each brick placed, nail pounded, VBS craft done, prayer prayed, and kid hugged.

If you want to see why people spend their time and money to go sweat and work in a foreign country for a week, this is it. Thanks for watching!


Adam Swenson is the Director of Alaska Operations at Thirst Missions. He approves of the beards in this film.


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