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By August 31, 2017Blog,

Updates, Prayers, and a Look Ahead: Alaska

By Adam Swenson, Director of Alaska Operations, Director of Sales and Marketing

This has been an amazing season of ministry in Alaska and, while we’re completely wiped out from going nonstop for 4 months, we are already excited about the next season.  We have hosted 15 mission teams in Alaska this summer and each team’s ministry has looked different. We have done many Vacation Bible Schools on behalf of churches that didn’t have enough volunteer help to do one on their own, to Bible-based archery camps, day camps for children of single parents, conferences for women who were abuse victims, building horse trails on 50 acres of wilderness for a cowboy church, and teaching spiritual gifts to addicts in recovery. God has led us to ministry in the most diverse neighborhoods in America (Mountainview and Fairview in Anchorage) and we’ve worked with Pacific Islanders, Samoans, Japanese, Chinese, Mexicans, Sudanese, Ethiopians, Nigerians, Yupik, Athabascans, and Eskimos, among others.

We’ve had around 2,000 people come to different outreaches throughout the summer; 300-400 come to VBS; 50 in small, specialized conferences; and 30-40 salvations.  Across all the varied cultures, we’ve emphasized the notion of family, an enduring image. The body of Christ, especially in the form of the local church, is a beautiful family full of all tongues and tribes and nations. We are united in belief, in love for each other, and in our desire to grow up into maturity in Christ. The stark contrast between the stunning abuse many of these people have come out of and the amazing community of a healthy local church couldn’t have been more clear during many weeks in the summer.

Why AlaskaThere’s a lot more to say, but you’ve already been patient readers. For now I’ll say God is working in Alaska, and it’s our privilege to play a small part in that work.  Would you join us in Alaska in 2018?  God is and will do amazing things through the local church and ministries in Alaska.  Our local partners are praying for teams to come and serve with them, in their churches and communities.  Will you consider joining us? Alaska is a majestic place full of beautiful people.  Just call us for more information or register here to begin your journey towards serving in Alaska.

Here are some current prayer requests we have for our ministry in Alaska.  Thank you for your prayers!

  • Adam and his family as they travel from Alaska back to Minnesota in their RV
  • Rest for our Alaska staff after a wonderful and busy summer
  • The connections made with community members during team’s’ weeks would continue for the local churches in Alaska; that relationships would be formed and strengthened
  • Teams ready to come and serve with us in Alaska in 2018

Adam Swenson is the Director of Alaska Operations and the Director of Sales and Marketing. When not at work, he’s typically disc golfing or watching Madam Secretary with his wife and daughter.  Adam and his family are currently driving an RV from Alaska back to Minnesota.  We were blessed through their 3+ months living up in Alaska this summer, overseeing Thirst Missions operations and leading teams.


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