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By August 31, 2017Blog, Newsletter

Updates, Prayers, and a Look Ahead: Belize

By Ashley Binneboese, Director of Administration, Director of England Operations

Summer 2017 in Belize has come to a close for us; what an amazing summer we had!  Our teams, local church partners, villages, and businesses we work with were wonderful.  We have many stories of how God showed up and worked in Belize this summer.  Thank you to all who helped make our summer what it was, we couldn’t have done it without you and especially without the Lord.  Our staff were amazing too, thank you!  Part of our post-trip reflection is meeting with our pastor’s in Belize and seeing how their partnerships went this summer.  We like to see how we can walk alongside them during the part of the year when they don’t have a team.  With summer coming to a close, we are gearing up for our Fall and Winter trips.  We have awesome teams serving with us over the next few months and can’t wait to see how God works!

Every year our Thirst Missions staff pray for church partnerships that will uplift and encourage our Belizean churches.  Churches in Belize are already preparing for teams and we are looking for 80 more churches to join us there in 2018.  Our local churches in Belize are looking for teams to join them as they reach out to their communities through ministries like prayer, mercy, VBS, service projects, and many more.  The physical need is great but the spiritual need is of first importance.  We hope you will join us by putting together a team of 10+ to serve in Belize any time of the year.  We look forward to serving with you.  Call our office for more information or register here!

Throughout the summer we’ve been sending out ways you can be partnering with us through prayer.  Here are some current prayer requests we have for our ministry in Belize.  Thank you for your support through prayer!

  • Our staff will be able to have a time of rest after a busy summer
  • Final preparations for our Fall teams will go well and God will prepare the hearts of people in Belize to hear about Jesus
  • Churches in the US and Canada would answer the call to partner with churches in Belize




Ashley Binneboese is the Director of England Operations and the Director of Administration at Thirst Missions. In her spare time she enjoys baking, playing violin, and spending time with her husband.

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